Hi Mike,

Thanks for this excellent updates . It is great to see SDI-Open developments 
and i am sure it is great opportunity to expand ideas. Good to have Mamata 
Akella, from CartoDB, Inc., USA, to speak on this topic and have discussions. 
It will be great if the workshop summary is shared later with the community.

Best wishes,


From: Finn, Michael <mf...@usgs.gov>
Sent: 27 March 2017 5:22 PM
To: Ravi Kumar
Cc: Anand Suchith; discuss@lists.osgeo.org; geofor...@lists.osgeo.org; Mamata 
Akella; Michael P. Finn; Coetzee Serena; Franz-Josef Behr; Ricardo Oliveira; E. 
Lynn Usery
Subject: Re: [Geo4All] [OSGeo-Discuss] Is it possible for properitery GIS 
vendor to market thier properitery product as Open ?


This is a topic that we will have a presentation on at our Spatial data 
infrastructures, standards, open source and open data for geospatial (SDI-Open 
2017) workshop at ICC 2017. As you likely learned from this listServ or ohers, 
the ICA's Commission on Open Source Geospatial Technologies 
(http://opensourcegeospatial.icaci.org/ ) is organizing this pre-conference 
workshop with the ICA Commission on SDI and 
Standards.(http://icc2017.org/preconference-workshops/ ).

We are holding the workshop on 01 & 02 July 2017 at George Washington 
University in DC. We will be using one of their GIS labs.We held a similar 
workshop, SDI-Open in 2015, in Rio de Janeiro. 
(http://sdistandards.icaci.org/sdi-open-2015-proceedings/ )

I have asked Mamata Akella, from CartoDB, Inc., USA, to speak on this topic. It 
will be a 20 minute presentation but if you attend there will be plenty of time 
to discuss this over the two day workshop period.

I have a draft agenda that is really not refined enough to share but I am 
willing to share to anyone who would like me to send them a copy.

In addition in my role as Vice-Chair of the Open Source commission, I a member 
of the ICC Scientific Program Committee and can let you know that our 
commission has planned (but not finalized) 12 sessions (of 3 or 4 
presentations) during the duration of the conference from papers submitted and 

I really hope you will consider attending this workshop and this fantastic 
international conference.


Michael P. Finn
Research Cartographer
Center of Excellence for Geospatial Information Science
U. S. Geological Survey
Denver Federal Center
Box 25046, Mail Stop 510
Denver, CO 80225-0046

I will be retiring from the USGS/ US Federal Government Civil Service on 02 Jun 
2017. On 03 Jun 2017, this email account, 
mf...@usgs.gov<mailto:mf...@usgs.gov>, will be obliterated. Therefore, please 
add my new email address, 
finn.cartograp...@gmail.com<mailto:finn.cartograp...@gmail.com> to your address 
book to maintain communication.

On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 10:55 PM, Ravi Kumar 
<manarajahmundry2...@gmail.com<mailto:manarajahmundry2...@gmail.com>> wrote:
This is a good thread, and let us discuss to derive a 'Note', for those facing 
'Questions', evangelising Free and Open GIS.

I suggest this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_platform for many who wish to 
May be we can have a page on, 'OSGeo Wiki' on this topic.
Ravi Kumar

On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 1:45 AM, Suchith Anand 
<suchith.an...@nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:suchith.an...@nottingham.ac.uk>> wrote:

Hi all,

I have a query. If a properitery GIS vendor starts marketing thier properitery 
products as Open platform and software then what rights do the organisations 
and customers have who are mislead buying the  properitery software thinking it 
is open have ?  The definision of Proprietary software [1] is very clearly 
defined, so  how can it be possible for any properitery GIS vendor to market 
their  software knowingly as open platform if it is properitery?

This also greatly affects the business and revenues of true open source 
software companies .  Who is responsible for any misleading marketing that 
results in losses to both customers who are mislead to buy the properitery 
software thinking it is open  and also to other companies who do true open 
source business who lose out on the business opportunities? Is it right 
business ethics to do this?

Best wishes,


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proprietary_software

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