On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 11:01 AM, Craig Miller
<craig.mil...@spatialminds.com> wrote:
> I filled out your survey.  I'm not working as a scientist and the survey
> didn't indicate that I should be.  I'm in commercial software dev.

Hmmm... that email was supposed to go out only to Bob, but went out to
the entire list, and this response should go to the entire list, but
seems to be headed only your way unless I add the osgeo address
explicitly to cc, which I will now as the following applies to most of
us (damn lists, with their non-standard reply-to management).

I am glad you responded, Craig. You must have noticed below that I
said "scientists" (double-quotes). I wanted everyone who works with
data to respond. I really don't care whether you are a commercial
developer or a skunk worker or a non-profit ninja hacker, or a DIY mom
or dad who grows organic grapes for a living. Lots of scientists work
in commercial software dev, and don't really wear white coats or have
stethoscopes dangling from their necks. I once called myself a
scientist, and my wife burst out laughing. That hurt a lot (I told her
that she wasn't an artist, but that didn't help me any).

I am interested in perceptions -- how folks view the data that they
work with. From personal experience, my assumption is that most of us
don't really mean the same thing when we think of "data." We conflate
data and databases, data and software, data and file formats, data and

Anyway, more when my paper is done. But, thanks once again for
becoming a statistic in my survey.

> Craig
> --
> Craig Miller, MS
> Owner, Geospatial Software Architect
> Spatial Minds, LLC
> Geospatial Software Engineering
> (206) 962-7754
>> Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 10:55:33 -0500
>> Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] A brief survey of the kind of data you use in
>> yourdaily work
>> From: punk.k...@gmail.com
>> To: discuss@lists.osgeo.org
>> Bob,
>> I am trying to understand how "scientists" view data. My survey should
>> have been really a bit longer, but I realize that response rate goes
>> down exponentially for every extra question added to a survey. Anyway,
>> I have had a bunch of interesting responses, so now I will analyze
>> them. I hope to put out a paper with the results.
>> Puneet.
>> On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 5:44 PM, Bob Basques
>> <bob.basq...@ci.stpaul.mn.us> wrote:
>> > Geez,
>> >
>> > I want my money back . . .  Kidding.
>> >
>> > So, what sort of things do you expect to get out of this survey, the
>> > questions seem fairly general in nature, and without a real big response
>> > group, I don't see how much meaningful can be interpreted from it.
>> >
>> > bobb
>> >
>> >
>> >>>> P Kishor <punk...@eidesis.org> wrote:
>> >
>> > http://www.punkish.org/Raw-Data-vs-Interpreted-Data/
>> >
>> > Really, only 5 questions, almost no thinking required. I will give you
>> > your money back if it takes you more than a minute to answer.
>> >
>> > So, no matter what your field of study, research or work, please take
>> > a few moments to answer the questions at
>> >
>> > http://www.punkish.org/Raw-Data-vs-Interpreted-Data/
>> >
>> > Many thanks,
>> >
>> >..

Puneet Kishor http://www.punkish.org
Carbon Model http://carbonmodel.org
Charter Member, Open Source Geospatial Foundation http://www.osgeo.org
Science Commons Fellow, http://sciencecommons.org/about/whoweare/kishor
Nelson Institute, UW-Madison http://www.nelson.wisc.edu
Assertions are politics; backing up assertions with evidence is science
Sent from Madison, WI, United States
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