I do not often post on the discussion list - but this activity
<https://www.osgeo.org/opengis-harmonization/> affects many projects:


Long story short *org.opengis* packages are being refactored to
*org.geotools.api*, and a few areas of the code-base can now be simplified.
Dropping unused interfaces, etc...

While this sounds simple, it is not without risk, especially for projects
that have not yet setup a Java 11 build system.

In the open-source tradition the best way to control risk is to help out!
Please plan for:

   - Upcoming Bolsena Code Sprint
   <https://www.osgeo.org/events/bolsena-code-sprint-2023/> (lots of fun
   and also good food).
   - Testing the GeoTools 30-RC release candidate when it is made available
   at the end of the Sprint.

If you are not in a position to help out directly, OSGeo offers a sponsorship
program <https://www.osgeo.org/about/how-to-become-a-sponsor/>, that will
assist both the GeoTools library and other projects in addressing this
Jody Garnett
Discuss mailing list

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