Hi all,

Someone willing to help organise a geospatial devroom at FOSDEM in the next
edition (online)?

I'm quite late at forwarding this mail here (deadline is tonight), but if
you let me know on monday or tuesday, we can still consider the application.

Kind regards,

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Johan Van de Wauw <johan...@fosdem.org>
Date: Sun, Oct 25, 2020 at 9:42 AM
Subject: [FOSDEM] Call for devrooms FOSDEM 2021 (online)
To: FOSDEM visitors <fos...@lists.fosdem.org>

We now invite proposals for developer rooms.

FOSDEM offers open source and free software developers a place to meet,
share ideas and collaborate. Renowned for being highly
developer-oriented, the event brings together some 8000+ geeks from all
over the world.

The tweny-first edition will take place Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th
February 2021, online.

Developer rooms are assigned to self-organising groups to work together
on open source and free software projects, to discuss topics relevant to
a broader subset of the community, etc. Most content should take the
form of presentations. Proposals involving collaboration across project
or domain boundaries are strongly encouraged.

For obvious reasons we will unfortunately not be able to run a live
conference this year, but we still want to give communities a place to
meet online.

We are working on a an online platform (streaming + chat) allowing
devroom organizers to run the conference with prerecorded talks with
live qa and live presentations with streaming and archiving. The
recordings will be published under the same licence as all FOSDEM
content (CC-BY)

Developer room proposals should be submitted through the form at
https://fosdem.org/devroom which contains further information.

Questions or remarks? Contact us at devro...@fosdem.org.

Key dates:

    31 October - deadline for developer room proposals

    10 November - accepted developer rooms announced

    15 November (or earlier) - developer rooms issue Calls for

    31 December (or earlier) - developer rooms publish complete schedules

Note that the demand for devrooms may exceed the supply (even for an
online event). By applying for a devroom you are making a commitment to
fill the schedule.

Devroom coordinators must enter a complete schedule into our conference
system by 31st December. It is particularly important to be available
and to respond promptly to emails about the schedule for about a week
either side of this date.

As we also run this event online for the first time, we would like to
get your input on what duration would be good for a devroom: one whole
day, or rather two afternoon sessions?

Please indicate whether you would prefer Saturday, Sunday or both days.
Please let us know what according to you would be an interesting
timespan for your devroom: eg one long slot on Saturday or rather two
shorter slots on Sunday.

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