Dear all,

Open Education Week is a celebration of the global Open Education Movement. Its 
goal is to raise awareness about the movement and its impact on teaching and 
learning worldwide.

On the occasion of Open Education Week 2015  , "Geo for All" community 
announced the nominees for the GeoForAll - Global Educator of the Year Award 
2015 [1],[2]  and used the opportunity  to thank all educators worldwide who 
have made contributions to open education efforts and being good global 
citizens by helping spread the benefits of education to all.

Prof. Charlie Schweik chaired this Award committee in 2015  and made this 
happen . We need to start thinking of making this happen in 2018 [3]  but need 
one key lead to chair ( like Charlie did excellently in 2015) . May I request 
those willing to volunteer to chair this  to please come forward so we can make 
it happen.

Best wishes,



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