The GeoWebCache Community is glad to announce the availability of the
third Release Candidate of the 1.3 series.

GeoWebCache is a LGPL Java web application used to cache map tiles
coming from a variety of sources such as OGC Web Map Service (WMS). It
implements various service interfaces (such as WMS-C, WMTS, TMS,
Google Maps KML, Virtual Earth) in order to accelerate and optimize
map image delivery. It can also recombine tiles to work with regular
WMS clients, and comes integrated with GeoServer.

This is the third release candidate of the 1.3 series, and hopefully
the last one. So be prepared for the big 1.3.0 launch in the near
If you haven't upgraded yet from GeoWebCache 1.2.x, we encourage you
to give 1.3-RC3 a try and report back any issue to the users mailing


Online documentation: <>
Source code for this release:
Full list of resolved issues:


- Added documentation on how to manage layers with the REST API.
- Added documentation on how to configure min/max cached zoom levels
and pass-through to the backend WMS for the rest of the published zoom
- Report back tile cache miss/hit, crs, gridset, and bounds as HTTP
response headers. E.g.:
 curl -v "http://localhost:8080/geowebcache/service/wms?LAYERS=.....
 < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 < geowebcache-cache-result: HIT
 < geowebcache-tile-index: [3, 5, 3]
 < geowebcache-tile-bounds: -112.5,22.5,-90.0,45.0
 < geowebcache-gridset: EPSG:4326
 < geowebcache-crs: EPSG:4326
 < Content-Type: image/gif
 < Content-Length: 29083
- Various improvements to REST API to query and kill running tasks:
 * Querying for the status of seed/truncate tasks returns an array
sized by the actual number of submitted tasks instead of the thread
pool capacity;
 * Querying to /rest/seed.json returns the array of task status for
all the layers, but querying to /rest/seed/.json returns only the
submitted tasks for that specific layer;
 * The returned array contains both running and pending tasks, with
two extra bits of information: the task id and the status (pending,
running, finished, or aborted);
 * POST'ing to /rest/seed/ with the kill_all form parameter only
kills tasks for that specific layer instead of for all layers;
 * POST'ing to /rest/seed with the kill_all form parameter kills
tasks for all layers;
 * It is possible to specify whether to kill only the running tasks
(previous behavior), pending tasks, or both running and pending.

Bug fixes:

- JDBC MetaStore can get NullPointerException inside H2 connection
pool under concurrency.
- geowebcache_empty.xml template file is schema invalid in case of uncommenting.
- Error computing zoom level when truncating, metastore disabled, and
gridset id not like <XXX_NNN>.
- Incompatibility in returned GetCapabilities document with WMS 1.1.1 DTD.
- Unable to run GeoWebCache with OpenJDK 6.
- Can't use two GridSets for the same CRS on a single layer.
- GWC_METASTORE_DISABLED parameter sometimes ignored.
- Layers mis-configured after adding a layer through the REST interface.

Gabriel Roldan
OpenGeo -
Expert service straight from the developers.
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