[Apologies for cross-posting !]

Dear all,

the annual European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly starts on April 24 
in Vienna.

As in the previous years, there will be a dedicated Townhall event organised by 
OSGeo on Thursday, April 27. This event is a reach out effort, to allow OSGeo 
advocates and scientists to mingle, discuss and network. (Details here: 
http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2017/session/25684 Flyer: 

NEW: In addition, this year we will also have a dedicated OSGeo reception, 
right before the Townhall event (Thursday April 27, 18:00 hours, room 1.85). 
The reception is geared towards scientists which are already involved in OSGeo, 
allowing them to network and discuss recent OSGeo developments and in-depth 
topics in a closer circle. 

Since this is a new format, it would be great if everybody who's considering to 
attend could indicate hers/his interest via Doodle 
(http://doodle.com/poll/ngxzv7hkfnug9q7g). Input for the agenda/discussion 
points would be also very much appreciated (-> OSGeo Wiki: 
https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/EGU_Townhall_2017#Reception_Topics )

Please share this information with interested colleagues. 

Best regards,


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