Dear list,

The 52°North ILWIS Community is proud to announce that ILWIS 3.7.0 
 is now available for download! In addition to a number of bug fixes and 
general improvements, the ILWIS community has added new vector functionality, 
providing an even more powerful RS and GIS desktop package.

New applications include:

*       PointMapUnion
*       PointMapIntersect
*       PointMapSymetricDifference
*       PointMapDifference
*       PointMapRelate
*       SegmentMapVoronoi
*       SegmentMapTin
*       SegmentMapUnion
*       SegmentMapIntersect
*       SegmentMapSymetricDifference
*       SegmenMapDifference
*       SegmentMapRelate
*       PolygonMapBuffer
*       PolygonMapConvexHull
*       PolygonMapUnion
*       PolygonMapIntersect
*       PolygonMapSymetricDifference
*       PolygonMapDifference
*       PolygonMapRelate

General improvements include:

*       updated SEBS module and HydrologicalFlow module and separate Help Files 
for SEBS,
*       improved WMS - user interface and error handling,
*       improved Postgres database access,
*       a number of bug fixes.

The Help System revamp has been postponed until 3.7.1.

Download as one complete zip 
 or in multiple 
Find more information about the new vector applications here:
ILWIS mailing list:

Best regards,
Ann Hitchcock
52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH
Martin-Luther-King-Weg 24
48155 Münster, Germany

General Managers:
Dr. Albert Remke, Dr. Andreas Wytzisk
Local Court Muenster HRB 10849

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