Dear OSGeo community,

It is with great pleasure to announce the official release of the Open Source 
for Geospatial Software Resources Platform for Geospatial Data Exploitation!
OSS4gEO is an initiative part of the Open Innovation framework at the European 
Space Agency and it was designed to lay the foundations for the community to 
maintain an open source geospatial software repository that functions as an 
extended metadata catalogue, curated by the community for the community. The 
initiative is supported by the European Space Agency and the first 
implementation was carried out by Terrasigna.
At this point, OSS4gEO registers over 400 FOSS projects documented within the 
[ecosystem]( Everything we've done (and why) so far 
is documented and made publicly [available](

Join us online on the 11th of April, starting at 3:30 PM CET, when we will 
gladly share in an open and interactive discussion the results we’ve obtained 
during the 12 months of design, development and documentation of OSS4gEO, as 
well as our future plans. From 3:45 to 5:15, we will continue with FOSS best 
practices/directions/guidelines discussion.
The online event will be available as a Teams meeting. Note that registration to 
the Teams meeting in advance is necessary and can be done using this 
[form]( A 
meeting invitation with a Teams link will be sent on your registered email.
Note: asking questions and giving comments require attending the meeting 
through Teams.

Best regards,
Discuss mailing list

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