Dear All,

Our colleagues at the Open Source Geospatial Lab [1] at the University of 
Zagreb, Croatia have  an excellent international seminar series  called 
"GeoStudents for GeoFuture".

As part of this initiative, two year's back, i was invited to deliver a  
lecture series for students of the University of Zagreb  entitled "Roles of 
geodesy and geoinformatic in sustainable development", along with  Prof. Dr. 
Yerach Doytsher (Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering Technion, 
Israel, the President of the FIG Comission 3) and Prof. Dr. Vladimir Tikunov ( 
Faculty of Geography, University of M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia, the 
President of the ICA Commission "GIS and Sustainable Development" .Details at

I really liked the focus of thier international seminar series on "GeoStudents 
for GeoFuture" and i am welcoming ideas from the wider geocommunity of how we 
can extend this "GeoStudents for GeoFuture" ideas to support  the International 
Map Year (IMY) by bringing together key scientists and students globally to 
work for contributing thier knowledge and skills for the UN sustainable 
development goals . Openness is key for true empowerment and sustainability [2].

One of the important things i learnt during  my lectures to students in 
universities worldwide (from USA to India), is that the digital natives are 
very smart. They have a very global outlook and are keen to contribute to 
building a better world for everyone . I remember talking to a student and 
asking her what GIS software she uses and her reply was "We use all different 
platforms to learn GIS but noone can trick us to  pay to buy GIS software when 
there is lot of free and open software now available" . This empowerment of 
students is exactly what we want. It is now not possible for any properitery 
GIS vendor to put "Iron Curtains" on freedom on  education tools.

"Geo for All" aims to create openness in Geo Education for developing creative 
and open minds in students which is critical for building open innovation and 
contributes to building up Open Knowledge for the benefit of the whole society 
and for our future generations.

Best wishes,


Dr. Suchith Anand

Geo for All - Building and expanding Open Geospatial Science



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