Dear OSGeo committees,

OSGeo is proud to support our committees (including project steering committees), initiatives, and a growing number of projects. We have been pleased to see funding applied to day to day operations, improvements and a wide range of community building activities including events, code sprints, developer meetings and user conferences.

Our continued ability to offer financial support is due a successful FOSS4G 2023 and the generosity of our ongoing sponsors.

OSGeo Committees

To plan our 2024 budget, we are reaching out to all OSGeo committees to help plan for the year ahead.

As our budget forecasting includes communicating with sponsors we ask you to list any sponsorship opportunities you are aware of for 2024. We know that it can be difficult to ask for money. Please be clear with each sponsorship opportunity, and the visibility benefit you are able to offer sponsors.


OSGeo Projects

Each year we are pleased to welcome new graduated projects to OSGeo. The Board starts planning by providing a set amount to all graduated projects who have:

1. Reported to the Board their activities of the last 12 months (e.g. during the AGM or directly to a Board meeting); and
2. Have sent a budget request.

While we have not determined the amount for 2024, last year each project was provided a $1000 USD operational budget. Funding allows each project committee to plan ahead, and support their team activities without hesitation.

Keep in mind that if any unforeseen event occurs during the year we are here to support you. Project teams have approached the board during the course of a year to respond to security vulnerabilities, or request legal advice, that was not anticipated during budget planning.

Projects with a more specific plan (to pursue a clear goal) are welcome to send a more detailed budget. Larger goals should be presented as clear sponsorship opportunities to your community, and OSGeo will do our best to help out also.

Tip: Keep in mind OSGeo goals as an organization. We love to support community participation, for example attending the AGM or a cross-project code sprint.


OSGeo Community Projects

Projects working on incubation are asked to contact to be included in the 2024 incubation budget request.

Budget Meeting

To help navigate the uncertainties ahead in 2024, the Board will have a budget meeting in December 2023 to review 2023 expenditures, sponsorship and make financial decisions for the 2024 budget.

Please add your project info to the budget draft at:

Budget requests should be submitted ideally by 20 December 2023 in advance of our next Board meeting.

On behalf of the OSGeo Board,

Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

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