posted to two lists... some will get this twice.


I have been invited to a workshop in Paris on common use licensing of
scientific data products. The workshop is jointly organized by CODATA,
GBIF, and Science Commons, and will be held at the Sorbonne on Sep 24,
25. I am writing this email for three reasons --

1. I will be, as usual, representing OSGeo interests as well, so any
feedforward you have for me on licensing of geospatial data inasmuch
as they are scientific data, please send it to me.

2. While most of the open geospatial world will be enjoying the
beautiful environs of Victoria BC on Sep 24, 25, in the slim chance
that some of our OSGeo-philes are in and around Paris at that time, I
would love to meet with you.

3. Since I have never been to Paris before (a walk between Gare de
l'est and Gare du Nord doesn't count), I am trying to stay over for a
couple of days extra bookending the workshop. That coupled with the $
- € exchange rate and the location where I want to stay (walking
distance of the Sorbonne) is making for a rather unaffordable trip. I
am looking for accomodation suggestions from locals as it is not
always the easiest trying to do these things over the internet. For
now, I have a room reserved from Sep 23-27 at € 116 a night, which,
while is rather inexpensive by Paris standards, is still rather
expensive by my standards. Ideally, I am looking for a place in the €
60-80 range from Sep 22-27.

Many thanks for any and all responses to the above.

Puneet Kishor
Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)
Summer 2007 S&T Policy Fellow, The National Academies
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