For your information: SUBJECT: Data assimilation in the GEOtop-EO model of remote sensing multispectral data to support the landslide triggering forecast This research programme deals with the definition of methodologies for the analysis and in the implementation of tools to integrate satellite data into the distributed hydrological model GEOtop. It concerns also the development of tools for the validation of the same model, and in performing an appropriate sets of simulations, as requested by the research project MORFEO, financed by the Italian Space Agency (ASI), and in collaboration with the Italian Civil Protection. The goal of the project is to produce prototypical tools for the forecasting of shallow landslides. The ideal candidate must have the knowledge of the basics of remote sensing in the optical range (multispectral data) and the will to acquire, if necessary, knowledge about the SAR imagery technologies. Moreover, the research will be implemented using C and/or Java, and using, besides GEOtop (, the GIS system JGrass (| The candidate can look also at the Dr. Rigon's presentations in to get further information about these tools. The candidate will work in a small group that includes one post-doc, a possible second doctoral student, the researchers of Hydrologis, Mountain-eering, Carlo Gavazzi Space and other collaborators of professors Lorenzo Bruzzone and Riccardo Rigon. To prepare the research project to be attached to the application, prof. Riccardo Rigon will send to each candidate who will ask for it, the material of the project Morfeo which is not available on-line. The scholarship is the same of the other Ph.D. positions.
Dead line: October 15 Best regards, Andrea _______________________________________________ Discuss mailing list