I saw this information on  Google sharing thier Open Source Report Card, 
highlighting thier most popular projects, sharing a few statistics and 
detailing some of the projects they have released in 2016.


I thought it is really good idea and it will be good if more organisations 
start producing their annual Open Source report cards. So I request all 
business and government organisations in the OSGeo ecosystem to produce your 
annual open source report card and we will be pleased to publish it in our 
Geo4All newsletter.

Economic impact of open source software on innovation and the competitiveness 
of the ICT sector in huge as many studies have shown. Open source is not only a 
catalyst for business  growth, but also a key driver and enabler of future 
success for many startups today.

Even properitery GIS vendors are dependent on open source software and 
libraries for their delivery so it is important that they acknowledge this and 
thank the OSGeo community.

Open source software and open data are  the backbone that underpins much of the 
service delivery across the public, private and consumer sectors of the world 
economy. ? Governments, industry ,start-ups are leveraging open source software 
and open data to accelerate innovation in Geospatial. But more importantly Open 
Principles are key for true empowerment and sustainability.


Best wishes,


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