Re: [slim] Multiple players offline - HELP

2020-09-19 Thread jimzak
While I was composing the email above, the Picoreplayers all suddenly recognized the server and began working. I made no changes to them or the router. However,, I am still left with multiple Booms that don't connect. I have tried taking all encryption off the wifi network, and I got exactly t

[slim] Multiple players offline - HELP

2020-09-19 Thread jimzak
I have a large SB ecosystem which has suddenly shrunk to 3 devices: a Touch and two computers (one ethernet, one wifi) I have completely lost the ability to connect 4 Booms and 3 Picoreplayers. 1. The Booms (I gave each a factory reset) get to the point of getting an IP address and fail at tha

[slim] PiCorePlayer and TV

2020-09-19 Thread park13
Is it possible to have the HDMI to both HDMI Sound and Video to TV for pi? I am having issues getting piCoreplayer to work, I get "Squeezelite is not running" park13's Profile:

Re: [slim] TuneIn and removal of non-UK stations for UK listeners

2020-09-19 Thread anotherbob
slartibartfast wrote: > They are both available via RadioNet. > > Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk Many thanks. anotherbob's Profile: View this thread: http://fo

Re: [slim] TuneIn and removal of non-UK stations for UK listeners

2020-09-19 Thread anotherbob
bpa wrote: > Are you in the UK ? I am in the UK. I have added to my plugins as per another posters advice and am now listening to Seeburg 1000. Many thanks for all you do. anotherbob's Profile:

Re: [slim] TuneIn and removal of non-UK stations for UK listeners

2020-09-19 Thread slartibartfast
anotherbob wrote: > I'm not sure if my problem belongs here but I'll ask just to be sure. > Two of my favourites are not playing. Best of Seeburg 1000 and Top Shelf > Oldies. > Are these victims of the problem under discussion here? > Is it possible to get them back on my squeezebox devices. > I

Re: [slim] TuneIn and removal of non-UK stations for UK listeners

2020-09-19 Thread bpa
anotherbob wrote: > I'm not sure if my problem belongs here but I'll ask just to be sure. Are you in the UK ? bpa's Profile: View this thread: http://forums.slimdevice

Re: [slim] TuneIn and removal of non-UK stations for UK listeners

2020-09-19 Thread anotherbob
I'm not sure if my problem belongs here but I'll ask just to be sure. Two of my favourites are not playing. Best of Seeburg 1000 and Top Shelf Oldies. Are these victims of the problem under discussion here? Is it possible to get them back on my squeezebox devices. I found a stream for Seeburg (ht

Re: [slim] TuneIn and removal of non-UK stations for UK listeners

2020-09-19 Thread didjean
And what about Radioplayer integration ? We discussed this in this thread: but it seemed not possible. still the case? Transporter, Touch, SB3, SB2, Duet, Booms, Radios ---