Hi Erland. Here's how I do it:

How do you find music in your own library ? 
- Which way to you browse/search ? (which browse or search menus)
I have different libraries per type of music: Classical, Jazz,
Blues&Rock, Other (mostly Pop). Within each library I usually search by
Genre (for example "Jazz Piano" within the "Jazz" library) then Album
(use of "shallow" menu), or first Artist and then album. I like to vary
the sort options to discover new things, for example by release date or
- Which type of remote/interface do you use ? Different for different
situations ?
iPENG on my iPod touch (originally I purchased the iPod just for the
iPeng although since then I have discovered a myriad of other uses).
- Do you find music through statistics based browse menus ? (ratings,
play counts, history)
No, never.
- Do you find music through smart playlists based on statistics or
random selection or other kind of automatic mixes ?
- Do you use album art when selecting what to play ?
YES, album art is very important to me.
- Do you typically start searching/browsing from an artist, album or
track and want to find something related to that ?

How do you usually find new music you like to get but currently don't
have in your library ?
- Heard it on the radio ? 
Internet radio.
- Where do you start when searching ? Top charts ? Genres ? Similar
artists ?
Genres and similar artists.
- Do you use some web site when searching or do you browse some music
store directly ?
Most of the time directly
- Are you using the computer, your Squeezebox or some other device when
searching for new music ?
My computer
- Do you preview the music before puchasing ? Do you preview it on the
real system or cheep laptop speakers or something similar ?
I preview it wherever I can prior to purchase, however I won’t add it
to my library until I have heard it on the real system.
- Do you use a subscription based service so you aren't actually buying
albums, you just need to find the albums/tracks you are interested in by
browsing the service ?
- Through reviews ? Any specific online site ?
Not really.
- Through friends ? Some community site ? 

How would you like to be able to find music in your own library in the
future ?
- What kind of functionality is missing today related to browsing ?
I would like more sorting options, easy to apply. Maybe also a
“randomize” function allowing to change from time to time the order of
the albums (like they do in some stores).
I would also like to see more album art from my iPeng, if more jpegs
are available (like you do when you go to a store).
- What kind of functionality is missing today related to searching ?
Google-like functionality (i.e. find items that are not exactly spelled
in that way etc.)

How would you like to find new music you like to buy/get in the future
Haven’t thought of it.

What kind of tagging/management do you do on new music you add to your
library to make it easier to find stuff later on ?

- Which additional tags do you add which isn't handled by standard SBS
today ?
I don’t use additional tags because I need to keep compatibility with
my iPod, since I am using it in my car. Classical music is a pain, as
documented in many places.
- Is the folder structure the music files are stored in important ?
Yes, for finding the original music file in windows.
- If you use Custom Scan, which additional tags do you add besides
those supported by SBS ?
- Do you manually add ratings to your music ? Why ?

Do you synchronize the data in SBS with some other application to make
it easier to find interesting music ?

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