
I happen to not have my music files arranged in a "Media Library" with
"Playlists".   I have music files all over 3 hard disk drives.

Often, the thing that I want to listen to with SlimServer is something that I
just acquired - an MP3 file that someone sent me, or a "podcast" that I
downloaded to my PC in MP3 form, are two examples.

I don't want a program to scan through all 3 hard disk drives, and catalog all
the hundreds of music files, each time that I want to listen one new music file.

What I want to do is just to "browse" my hard drive(s), find the file and load

In Winamp, I can do this with File->Play File...

Is there some plugin to SlimServer (or option unknown to me) that will allow me
to simply open a file on my hard drive ?


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