
I recently upgraded to SqueezeCenter 7.0.1 and it installed the
Softsqueeze 3.6. Previously I was using Sofsqueeze 3.4 and I could
stream its audio via Airfoil to an Airport Express (to do that I had to
select Softsqueeze as the application in the applications folder)

Now I cannot stream Softsqeeze 3.6 because the application file is not
in the application folder (or in any other place I could find). I guess
when I installed it it asked whether I wanted to created a link to put
into the application folder but I did not select it.

Questions (any of them would help): 
1) is anyone using Airfoil with Softsqueeze 3.6? How to make it work?
2) how to get the link (or .app) file into the Application folder? (I
tried to remove everything: cache, prefpane and application support
files and do a clean install but it did not ask me whether to create
this link again..... how do I get back to that screen?)
3) how do I completely uninstall softsqueeze 3.6 so that I can get back
to the installation screen?

Thanks a lot, Bruno

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