hope this helps (and there are other posts on here about it if this
does not) !
colglfr's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4474
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevice
I seem to have a problem launching Internet Radio stations using
playlists. It seems to freeze up and I have to shutdown the
Squeezebox. I can launch the same radio stations either manually or by
setting it up in the SqueezeNetwork and it works fine. I am using 6.3.1
I am also having problems with the Internet Radio with my 6.3
installation. If I use the Sqeezenetwork it works better. Hoping
someone has a solution
colglfr's Profile: http://forums.slimdevice
I had the same issue and they gave me a new power supply that fixed the
problem. The old one just plugged into the wall with the transformer
as part of the wall plugin part. The one they sent me was a inline
transformer and it fixed all my problems