I've been running the 6.5 betas nightlies with very few problems.
Tonight I installed the 6.5 full release and updated the firmware.
Since then I've had no sound at all.
The VU meter on my Squeezebox2 doesn't register any audio although
apart from that the display is normal and looks like music is being
played, my headphone socket is quiet. I've tried running Softsqueeze
locally and still no sound.
I've tried flacs and mp3s and Internet radio. Still no sound. I've
rebooted everything to no avail.
flac.exe and lame.exe appear to be running but are not using any
processor power.

I haven't a clue what to do now.

I did keep my slimserver.pref and types.conf from my last beta
installation, but I have now tried getting the thing to work with the
ones from the new full release and also my saved files. Still no

This on XP.

Any suggestions as to what I should do would be very welcome indeed.



Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2 > Benchmark Dac1 > Naim NAC 82 > Naim NAP 250 > Shahinian
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