I've posted this question in here as it's affecting not only my Squeeze
devices but also my HTPC and PCs. I'm located in Australia and up until
a few days ago have had no problems with BBC streams but then on Friday
I started having constant buffering problems. Initially I put it down
to the fact that the royal wedding was going on and that there could
well be a massive hit on BBC resources causing the speed issues but
now, 3 days later, the buffering is still a problem. Regardless of
whether I use listen live or listen again streams I get no more than 30
seconds until the stream has to rebuffer. I have no problems with other
UK stations (or any other part of the world for that matter) and I have
also tried 3 different modems but no matter what I do, I just can't get
a steady stream from any BBC channel.

Has anybody else witnessed similar problems over the last few days or
is this one unique to me?

mr nick
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