Answering my own question, I understand now. I can add a song to the
playlist and then play it for preview purposes. If I want to keep it,
click save. If it's not the song I wanted, delete it from the playlist.
Thanks. I was missing the idea. Is there any way to be able to preview
a song (to make sure it's the right one) and then immediately add it to
the playlist?
JSharp's Profile:
If you want to add additional songs to an existing playlist you need to
load the playlist you want to add to into the right hand pane (the
current playlist of a player).
Then add the additional songs to the playlist (click '+').
When your'e done adding songs save the playlist (icon on bottom right
No need to keep saving the playlist until you have everything you want
in it (although you can if you like).
The active playlist is the list of songs in the righthand pane. Find
the songs you want and click '+' to add them to the list. You can then
save the whole playlist at once.
If you press '
This is going to be embarrassing, I'm sure. Using SqueezeCenter 7.0 on
Windows XP. Listened to a song, clicked Save and gave a title to the
new Playlist, and successfully added the first song to the new
playlist. Then found another song, but couldn't figure out how to add
it to the newly start