[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-28 Thread Paul Dorn
I checked and do get success. Would it be possible for you to include in one of the nightly releases a change to write out the XML in debug mode? From the forums you can see that the problem is not unique to me. thanks -- Paul Dorn

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-28 Thread andyg
OK I've added a dump of the parsed XML after login with --d_plugins. The only place I can see where you would get the error PLUGIN_LIVE365_LOGIN_ERROR_LOGIN is if there was an XML parsing error, and this should cause a debug line such as: Live365API: XML parsing error on api_login.cgi: error

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-28 Thread fred7
I've tried adding the code to Live365API.pm and I get: Logging in xx Live365: Loading http://www.live365.com/cgi-bin/api_login.cgi?password=org=live365action=loginremember=Ymember_name=xx Live365API: Login XML: undef Live365 login failure: PLUGIN_LIVE365_LOGIN_ERROR_LOGIN Prevent

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-28 Thread andyg
Please check several lines down in that file. Do you have this $::d_plugins line of code? If not, please add it, and tell me what version of SlimServer you're running (check Server Settings). Code: if ($@) { $::d_plugins msg(Live365API: XML

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-28 Thread fred7
andyg;140559 Wrote: Please check several lines down in that file. Do you have this $::d_plugins line of code? If not, please add it, and tell me what version of SlimServer you're running (check Server Settings). Code: if ($@) {

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-28 Thread fred7
I'm seeing some weirdness on the install. The Live365API.pm file stayed the same after I installed the lastest nightly. So I figured that maybe the install saw that the file was newer since I modified and didn't overwrite it so I copied the old install back from a backup and intalled. It left

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-28 Thread andyg
What does the SlimServer version say on the new install? Which file did you download? It's possible the nightly build is not working properly. -- andyg andyg's Profile:

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-28 Thread fred7
andyg;140588 Wrote: What does the SlimServer version say on the new install? Which file did you download? It's possible the nightly build is not working properly. Sorry about that Andy, there was a problem with me and not the nightly. I have so many nightlies downloaded that I must have

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-28 Thread andyg
OK, good. Can you change the Login XML debug line to this? Code: $::d_plugins msg(Live365API: Login XML:\n . $http-content . \n); -- andyg andyg's Profile:

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-28 Thread NY2006
OK, good. Can you change the Login XML debug line to this? Code: $::d_plugins msg(Live365API: Login XML:\n . $http-content . \n); Andy, Ok I found the thread over here...please help where I need to open the XML from ? I'm not sure where to find what I need to edit and change...thanks. --

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-28 Thread fred7
andyg;140603 Wrote: OK, good. Can you change the Login XML debug line to this? Code: $::d_plugins msg(Live365API: Login XML:\n . $http-content . \n); Okay, here's what I get (I always change my login info to of course):

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-28 Thread andyg
OK we've narrowed down this problem to an XML parsing problem that only occurs in the Windows exe version of SlimServer. It actually breaks all XML things such as SD Picks, Shoutcast, etc. Add yourself to bug 4250 for more info. -- andyg

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-27 Thread mrboring
Hi I am still getting the login errors as above. If I copy and paste the URL from the debug text into a browser I can log in and get the following XML (X's replace private info): #8722; LIVE365_API_LOGIN_CGI xsi:schemaLocation=http://www.live365.com/api/api_login_cgi

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-27 Thread andyg
Please try the latest 6.5 nightly with --d_plugins. http://www.slimdevices.com/downloads/nightly/latest/6.5/ -- andyg andyg's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3292 View this thread:

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-27 Thread Paul Dorn
I down loaded the 10040 nightly version, turned on all debug variables, and reran. Here is the what I think is the relavent portion of the log. Nothing jumped out at me. Did I turn on the logging you requested? Thanks. select_time: 0.131516218185425 Select: [IO::Socket::INET=GLOB(0x3d9bd48)]

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-27 Thread NY2006
even with the latest build i`m not able to connect to Live365. I tried it directly with my SB 3 and with my credentials from the Slimserver Web Frontend. Just the message Login problem. Connecting from Squeezenetwork is working. Any idea Frank Andy, Got Slimserver 6.51 working but like others

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-27 Thread andyg
I can't reproduce this problem at all... login only fails for me if I actually put in the wrong username or password. And, the code is exactly the same on SqueezeNetwork, so if it works there, it should work in SlimServer. -- andyg

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-27 Thread Paul Dorn
Andy, do you parse the returned XML or the cookies for the session information? It appears to be in both. Also, do you use the browser installed on the machine for the transfer, or a browser built into slimserver? Finally, what piece of information couldn't you find? -- Paul Dorn

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-27 Thread andyg
The plugin uses the XML, it's retrieved directly by SlimServer. If you can load the api_login.cgi URL in your browser and see ReasonSuccess/Reason it should work fine. -- andyg andyg's Profile:

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-26 Thread nukeman
Any news on that topic. I`m currently install new nightly builds since one week with no success. Greetings from Germany Frank -- nukeman nukeman's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6053 View this

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-26 Thread fred7
I'm running revision 10040 and I'm having the same problem with Live365 also. I haven't been able to log in since upgrading to 6.5 so I got the latest nightly. I can log in from the Live365 web site. Here is my debug information: Logging in x Live365: Loading

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-26 Thread andyg
Right sorry, was thinking of a different Live365 problem in 6.5.0. I don't know what's wrong here, since it works fine with my account. From looking at the code I think this error can be caused by an XML parsing problem, I'll make a change to print some debug info if this happens. -- andyg

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-26 Thread andyg
svn up or try tonight's nightly. Run with --d_plugins and you should see more info about the login error. -- andyg andyg's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3292 View this thread:

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-26 Thread andyg
For Live365 to work you need at least revision 9955. -- andyg andyg's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3292 View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=27816

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-26 Thread woo
fred7;139835 Wrote: Logging in x Live365: Loading http://www.live365.com/cgi-bin/api_login.cgi?password=xorg=live365action=loginremember=Ymember_name=x Live365 login failure: PLUGIN_LIVE365_LOGIN_ERROR_LOGIN when i upgraded to the non-beta of 6.5, i had this same problem. i

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-25 Thread pannetron
After upgrading to 6.5.0 I get the Connecting... message on any live365.com stream but no music. I downloaded the latest nightly and then started getting the login problem with live365. I've reverted back to 6.3.1 and all is well. -- pannetron

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-25 Thread mschiff
I have the same problem. I was able to log into Live365 with my account from the browser and it played just fine, but it did not work from Slimserver. From the Squeezebox, it could connect, but did not log into my account either. Just logged in generically. -- Martin -- mschiff

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-24 Thread nukeman
Hi Andy, even with the latest build i`m not able to connect to Live365. I tried it directly with my SB 3 and with my credentials from the Slimserver Web Frontend. Just the message Login problem. Connecting from Squeezenetwork is working. Any idea Frank -- nukeman

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-24 Thread andyg
What happens if you go to that api_login.cgi URL in a browser? Maybe there is something wrong with the Live365 website or your account. I am able to use Live365 just fine. 2006-09-24 08:39:17.4261 SimpleAsyncHTTP: status for

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-24 Thread Paul Dorn
I get the same error after uninstalling the old 3.5 and installing the nightly. From the trace (userid/password XXed out): Async::HTTP: Body read SimpleAsyncHTTP: status for http://www.live365.com/cgi-bin/api_login.cgi?password=XXXorg=live365action=loginremember=Ymember_name=XXX is 200 OK

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-24 Thread mrboring
andyg;139167 Wrote: What happens if you go to that api_login.cgi URL in a browser? Maybe there is something wrong with the Live365 website or your account. I am able to use Live365 just fine. 2006-09-24 08:39:17.4261 SimpleAsyncHTTP: status for

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-24 Thread Paul Dorn
I also get a success when I invoke the URL. Not sure if it matters, but my default browser is IE 7 beta 3. Here is additional trace information: Live365: logging in SimpleAsyncHTTP: GETing

[slim] Re: 6.5 and Live365 problem -- cannot connect

2006-09-23 Thread andyg
Yes unfortunately that bug slipped through. However, it's already fixed and you can grab a newer 6.5 nightly or use SqueezeNetwork to listen to Live365. http://www.slimdevices.com/downloads/nightly/latest/6.5/ -- andyg