Ok, got the whole IP/subnet thing figured out. I was listening to the
Internet radio stations today...VERY COOL!
Now i'm just waiting for my wife to come home with a crossover cable so
that I can connect to my SlimServer NAS!!
tf8252 Wrote:
> My Liksys wireless router is on
> The IP address I assigned to my NAS is
Whoa, your NAS and router are not on the same subnet! The router is
locking your NAS out of your network, which is why you can't see it
Either give your ro
I set up the Ethernet network on Slimserver and used the IP of my NAS as the default gateway...
It said SETUP COMPLETE, Press > to Use SlimServer...
So I did, but it still says it can't connect to Slimserver.
I have my songs on the NAS and the NAS is hardwired to the Squeeze box.
The Squeezbox is NOW connected to the SqueezeNetwork, but can't connect
to Slimserver now.
I want the Squeezebox to pull the songs right of the NAS which is
hardwired to the back of the Squeezebox, then just go through the
Check DNS and gateway settings.
You can use your router address for both, but that sometimes doesn't
work for DNS. Even though most routers can be set up as DNS servers, I
find it rarely works for me. In that case, I enter in my ISP's DNS
server, which I obtain by looking at my router configura
tf8252 Wrote:
> I have my squeeze box connected to my NAS with Slimserver running.
> The Squeezebox obtains an IP address automatically, from the NAS drive,
> but can't connect to squeezenetwork...
> Any ideas?
Perhaps your router is not permitting that IP addess to access the
internet? H