Not all songs show up when I do a search for an artist.  Only doing an
Advanced Search will show them.  However, looking for a title reports
all songs...

Search for "makeba" gives:
Artists matching "makeba": 2
All Songs
Miriam Makeba
Miriam Makeba & Dizzy Gilles..

Clicking on "Miriam Makeba" shows only:
Pata Pata

But searching "pata pata" (a song by Makeba) shows more albums
featuring Makeba:
Albums matching "pata pata": 1
Pata Pata

Song titles matching "pata pata": 4
All Songs

1. Pata Pata from Pata Pata by Miriam Makeba
4. Pata Pata from Putumayo Presents The Best Of World Music, Vol. 1:
World Vocal by Miriam Makeba
16. Pata Pata from World Of Music - Our World by Daude
1. Pata Pata 2000 from New World Party by Miriam Makeba

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