Man in a van wrote:
> Thanks Robert,
> so the command line would be:
> -*ssh root@IPaddress*-
> Pswd is nosoup4u, the default for this version.
> Great, I'll tell him what to do (better sharpen my thinking stick to
> prod him with :))
> atb
> Ronnie.
Yes. You need to figure
Grumpy Bob wrote:
> ssh user@IPaddress should do it. I don't know what user/password
> combination is needed for squeezeplug. You need to do this with the Pi
> connected via cable to the router until wifi has been set up.
> Robert
Thanks Robert,
so the command line would be:
-*ssh root@IPad
Man in a van wrote:
> I am helping a friend run Squeezeplug v7.5.0 on a raspberry pi.
> His computer is an iMac
> How does he SSH into the SqueezePLug? :confused:
> He has to open Terminal and then?.
> Many Thanks
> Ronnie.
ssh user@IPaddress should do it. I don't kn
I am helping a friend run Squeezeplug v7.5.0 on a raspberry pi.
His computer is an iMac
How does he SSH into the SqueezePLug? :confused:
He has to open Terminal and then?.
Many Thanks
Man in a van's P