Hi there - had a good search but can't find any specific problems like
mine - perhaps it's because nobody nips back into their living room to
see what their SB2 is up to after switching off their router or closing
down Slimserver in the bedroom (where my PC is!) :-)

Anyway it's no problem but is this normal? When I switch off SB2 with
the power button the display goes off (as you might expect as I have
the brightness on the clock saver set to off) right, now I go into my
bedroom and exit slimserver and switch off the pc. Going back into the
living room I see SB2 has an error message about cannot connect to
slimserver or whatever - but I thought I switched the little b***er
off. This goes blank after a few seconds but is still their if I press
any key on the remote - and the SB2 now won't switch off with the power
button on the remote. Then when I switch off my router (too bright those
little green lights twinkling all night!) and nip back into the living
room ('cus I am now paranoid about SB2 switching itself on and off!) I
see SB2 now says 'can't connect to Squuezenetwork' if I have been
listening to internet radio before switch off or 'problem with network'
if I haven't.

Surely the power button should switch the unit into standby and from
then on SB2 should not be looking for network connections or anything -
I have even got up in the morning and the damn thing is playing Virgin
Radio after I had switched it off the night before - obviusly I didn't
switch router off that night (probably a little too much vino :-)

I don't mind my SB2 having a life of it's own - but just checking - do
I have to feed it or something? If I had two would they reproduce? I am
also getting really worried about it getting lonely all night in their
on it's own....;-)


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