I made a few ham handed tweaks to the ExBrowse2 skin, in order to
improve support for 800x600 resolutions. Two items were tweaked: the
lower portion of the "Browse Albums A....Z, etc." nav bar above the
contents of the left hand column are no longer partially hidden when
this line breaks to two lines. And the main top nav area (server
settings...etc) remains visible, and flows to two lines if neccessary
regardless of the size of the left column frame.

I've included the two touched files below. Just plop em in your
ExBrowse2 folder (SlimServer\server\HTML\ExBrowse2)....Be sure to keep
a copy of your original files somewhere safe beforehand!


|Filename: tweaks.zip                                               |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=233|

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