Does this function actually work?  I've got a library with both 128 kbps
AACs and Apple Lossless versions of each file.  Since the AACs are just
for iPod use and I didn't want 'em shown on the slimserver, I thought I
had a workaround when I noticed that slimserver has an "iTunes" option
that says import only "checked" files in iTunes.  So, I went into
iTunes, sorted by file class, unchecked the AAC files, and did a
rescan.  Last night it looked like it was working--I was getting only
one copy of each song.  But, when I checked this morning, there were
two copies of each.  Makes no sense to me...  Has anyone else
experimented with this option?  Is there a way to figure out whether
these are the AAC/Apple Lossless duplicates or duplicates caused some
other way?

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