Hi Simon; thanks for your mail. The Carnegie rankings are also very
problematic, but they are frequently used as a shorthand. I tried to
find something equivalent and up-to-date for European universities
[1], but drew a blank - pointers would be welcome.


[1] Which will still, hopefully, include UK universities...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Waldman Simon" <sm...@hw.ac.uk>
To:"Software Carpentry Discussion"
Sent:Fri, 1 Sep 2017 06:29:28 +0000
Subject:Re: [Discuss] who we're reaching

> I'd be very interested in
 > seeing a similar breakdown for other countries, e.g., Russell Group
vs. others in
 > the UK.

 Please be very careful in ascribing meaning to whether a UK
university is in the Russell Group or not - it's a largely archaic
grouping (Maybe equivalent to Ivy League? Not sure.). While the
Russell Group members are indeed well-regarded, research-heavy,
institutions, there are many such outside the Group as well.

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