
The following macro code:

Sub SaveAsTxt(cFile)

   cURL = ConvertToURL( cFile )
   oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL( cURL, "_blank", 0, (_
            Array(MakePropertyValue( "Hidden", True ),))

   cFile = Left( cFile, Len( cFile ) - 4 ) + ".txt"
   cURL = ConvertToURL( cFile )

   oDoc.storeToURL( cURL, Array(MakePropertyValue( "FilterName", "Text" ),)
   oDoc.close( True )
End Sub

 raises the error:

Basic Runtime Error
An Exception Occurred
Type: com.sun.star.task.ErrorCodeIOException
Message: .

Which is not especially helpful of an error. It happens when I send it
an XLS file. Is there some change I should make to accept Xls, or is
it just bad xls handling?

Bryan Rasmussen

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