Thanks for the reply. I had no idea it was a FAQ.

My reply would still be, that applications are meant
to be used by people, rather than a toy for
developers. The mozilla organisation managed to keep
the old, big and slow application, but also managed to
split the core components into individual
applications, which are much lighter, faster, and now
popular, so popular that IE and Outlook are a thing of
the past on many desktops. As a result, the monolitic
mozilla was improved too. Concerning Office, we have a
good word processor (AbiWord), a good graphical editor
(gimp), we are flooded  with database managers, but we
are starving for a state-of-the-art spreadsheet. I do
not understand OOo's oriental philosophy about making
one with everything, but I hope it will be small, or
you will get lost in it.


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