Hi All,
I'd really appreciate a quick answer on this - 
I do not have root on my redhat machine. But I am allowed to install 
programs to my user space.
So I was unable to install the open office 2 beta 2 rpm's as you NEED root.
So I actually went to the trouble of building the entire thing from source. 
However, it seems to my deep disappointment the end result of the build was 
again RPM's!
A dmake install did nothing, but generate RPM's again. I cannot see how to 
simply get it to install.
 Is there anyway to get openoffice to install to my user space, without 
Is there an installer program (a-la the old staroffice)
If anyone has a way to get this without needing root it would be really 
Also, if you can reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] it would be great as I am not a 
list member.
 Thanks for any and all replies
John McGrath

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