
I would like to suggest an idea. My idea is to make it so one can password protect selected text within a document while leaving the rest viewable without a password (maybe give the option to use the same password for each selection, or different passwords, depending on preference).

Anyway, one would highlight the text, and just select the password protect option, and add a password (much like one would highlight text and make it bold). This would be extremely useful to me as a journal-writer, since most of the stuff I write is fine for the public, but there are things here and there I'd rather keep to myself, or selected individuals. It would be nice if it just showed some trademark symbols where the password protected text was (without showing the length or anything).

If the password wasn't entered correctly, if there was only one password, perhaps it would prompt for it at startup, but still load the file (not the password protected text, though).

Anyway, it would be nice if it didn't prompt for a password when multiple passwords were involved (the user could customize all this functionality in the program preferences).

OpenOffice would be much greater to me (and I might actually use it regularly) if this feature came to be. As it is, I generally only use word processors when I have to (but I use OpenOffice or AbiWord when I do, depending on how serious it is--I use OpenOffice for larger stuff). I use text editors the rest of the time (like Scite and Notetab Light, while using tinySpell). I do enjoy spreadsheets, though.

Anyway, thanks for letting me post a suggestion!


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