I have a few suggestions based on requirements set by government and private 
businesses for all documents to be 508 compliant and be readable through screen 
readers from left to right.
-Provide the ability to add ALT tags to images and objects in Writer anad 
Impress the same  way that Microsofy does in Word and PowerPoint.
-Add features or addons/tools that check documents to ensure they are compliant 
with the latest standards.
I also think that the Flash files created from Impress should be able to play 
automatically and not by click only.
Microsoft is bringing a new interface in for their next suite.  Will the OOo 
developers keep the interface as is, change it to look like their's, or make it 
Finally you may want to start a few projects that look into integrating OOo 
with other programs like Crystal Reports in fashion similar to how Microsoft 
does it.
Other than these few concerns I have found OOo to be more than adaquate and it 
is currently my office suite of choice.

William E. Bowen CIAP
Government Computer Specialist
DAE-NSBE Telecommunications Chair
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