Olly Othalian wrote:
Hi there

I was typing out a assignment for my university course and repeatedly having to refer to notes on spelling new words which I had already type out in other paragraphs above.

I then had a brain wave, why can't OpenOffice "look" at what has aready been typed within the currentdocument and offer those words up as suggestions along with those in the pre-emptive dictionary.

OpenOffice would not have to offer up all the "regular" words like: it, this, and, they, small, etc; it would "look" for unusual and less common words. All these words could, at the end of the document, be added to the pre-emptive dictionary.

If this is adopted then it would be something that Microsoft Word currently does not possess and save everyone wasting valuable time checking spellings.



maybe you are looking for this?:
Tools -> AutoCorrect/AutoCompletion -> Word Completion

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