Re: [discuss] OpenOffice Impress: select slides under previous mode, the copy button is not automatically enabled

2006-11-12 Thread Lotus Studio
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Re: [discuss] OpenOffice Calc: sometimes cannot set font and save as XLS file

2006-11-12 Thread Lotus Studio
Dankon. / Thank you. - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[discuss] OpenOffice Impress: select slides under previous mode, the copy button is not automatically enabled

2006-11-11 Thread lotus
OpenOffice 2.0.1 Chinese Traditional Characters Intel-based IBM-compatibled PC, Windows XP Open the preview mode. Select one or more slides. The copy button in the toolbar is not automatically enabled. Right-clicking the mouse allows you to select copy. Thanks. Qiyao --

[discuss] OpenOffice Calc: sometimes cannot set font and save as XLS file

2006-11-09 Thread lotus
OpenOffice Calc 2.0.1, Chinese traditional characters (latest offical release). Intel-based IBM-compatible PC, Windows XP Home. 1. Select whole file (maybe 10 column, 20 rows). 2. Change all fonts to Latin: Arial; East Asias: MingLiU. 3. Save as Microsoft XLS and open again. 4.

[discuss] OpenOffice Impress: opened files not openable by Microsoft

2006-11-09 Thread lotus
OpenOffice Impress 2.0.1 Chinese traditional characters (latest official release). Intel-based IBM-compatible PC, Windows XP Home. 1. Open a file in OpenOffice Impress. 2. Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 or 2003 cannot open this file, even cannot open is read-only. 3. You need to close

[discuss] OpenOffice Impress: two levels of bullets

2006-11-09 Thread lotus
OpenOffice Impress, 2.0.1, Chinese Traditional Characters (latest official release). Intel-based IBM-compatible PC, Windows XP Home. 1. Type two levels of bullets: * 123 � - 456 * 789 2. If you type Del on the right of 456, and then do undo, you get: * 123 � * 789 3. You have

[discuss] OpenOffice Writer: cannot use Chinese characters as bullet numbers and save as DOC

2006-11-09 Thread lotus
OpenOffice Writer 2.0.1 Chinese traditional characters (latest official release). Intel-based IBM-compatible PC, Windows XP Home. 1. From bullets, select Chinese characters as bullet numbers. OpenOffice Writer recognises them and can autoincrement. 一、 二、 三、... 2. Save as Microsoft

[discuss] OpenOffice Impress: spaces between Chinese and Latin text is fontless

2006-11-03 Thread lotus
OpenOffice 2.0.1 = latest version of Chinese Traditional-character version. OpenOffice Impress, on Intel-based competer, Microsoft Windows XP. Last time I reflected that: 1. If you have a line of Courier New in Microsoft Word, with leading spaces, then those leading spaces are rendered

[discuss] OpenOffice Calc: no way of changing hyperlink back to normal text

2006-10-27 Thread lotus
OpenOffice 2.0.1 (latest official Chinese-Traditional-character version), Windows XP, Intel-x86-compatible computer. If automatic hyperlink recognition is enabled, then it will automatically change all \\xxx and http://xxx; etc. into hyperlinks. There is no way to change The help says

[discuss] OpenOffice for Chinese (Traditional): copy-and-paste Chinese text gets wrong characters

2006-10-14 Thread lotus
1. OpenOffice Writer 2.0.1 (Chinese Traditional), Microsoft Windows XP (Chinese traditional). 2. View the following Simplified-Chinese-character text:� 查#35810; (cha2 xun2 - search). 3. Copy them onto Microsoft Word, Microsoft WordPad, and Lotus Notes. Only Microsoft Word is correct

[discuss] OpenOffice Writer and Calc: miscalculation of vertical height by one pixel

2006-10-14 Thread lotus
OpenOffice 2.0.1 (latest Chinese traditional version available), Windows XP. 1. On Writer, if you have a table with lines between cells, then upon horizontal scrolling, you sometimes find that for a horizontal line, there is sometimes a fault height of one pixel in the horizontal line,

[discuss] OpenOffice Writer and Calc: miscalculation of horizontal position by one pixel

2006-10-14 Thread lotus
OpenOffice Writer 2.0.1, Chinese Traditional, Windows XP Following the previous message, if you use the middle mouse button (seldom do people know that the scroll-wheel is also a button) to scroll around, you also find that sometimes part of the document is offsetted left or right by one

[discuss] OpenOffice Writer: unavailable font becomes overlapping characters

2006-10-14 Thread lotus
-- 網頁‧信箱‧設計‧金流 一站購足

[discuss] OpenOffice Writer: unavailable font becomes overlapping characters (corrected)

2006-10-14 Thread lotus
OpenOffice 2.0.1 Writer, Chinese Traditional Characters, Windows XP. If you have a document specifying an unavailable font (e.g. 仿宋_GB2312), then you have Chinese Simplied Characters ( #37073;培#20891; ) Then those characters are displayed as overlapping. Thanks. Qiyao --

[discuss] OpenOffice Writer: when displaying Chinese Simplified Character text, does not keep English (Latin) word on one line

2006-10-14 Thread lotus
OpenOffice 2.0.1, Chinese Traditional Version, Windows XP. If you have the following text ( #35775;#38382;keygen的#33719;得用#25143;公#38053;#25968;据接口函#25968; ), it may line-break after k instead of keeping keygen as an English word in one line. Thanks. Qiyao --

[discuss] OpenOffice Writer: font not keeped when copying to NotePad or Lotus Notes

2006-10-14 Thread lotus
OpenOffice 2.0.1 Chinese Traditional Characters, Windows XP. If you copy a text of font normal - Courier New to another default OpenOffice document, then it becomes normal - Times New Roman. If you copy it to NotePad or Lotus Notes then it also does not keep courier. Thanks. Qiyao

[discuss] OpenOffice for Chinese (Traditional): font rendering problems in Writer and Impress

2006-10-02 Thread lotus, for Intel 386 series, on Microsoft Windows XP. Chinese (Traditional), version 2.0.1 (this is the latest official version). 1. Last time I reflected that if you have a line of courier text in Microsoft Windows, and it starts with spaces, then on OpenOffice Writer, the

[discuss] OpenOffice 2.0.1 Chinese traditional seems to identify itself as 2.0

2006-08-18 Thread lotus
Folks, I downloaded 2.0.1 Chinese (Traditional). I unistalled the original 2.0 and installed 2.0.1. Throughout the installation it says it is 2.0. Now I am running it, it still sayt it is 2.0. This makes people wonder about the running version. *** When will 2.0.3 be available?

[discuss] OpenOffice Calc: make your window narrow, select background colour or text colour

2006-08-10 Thread lotus
OpenOffice Calc, 2.0, Chinese (Traditional Characters) version on Windows XP 1. Open OpenOffice Calc. 2. Make your window narrow, so that the toolbar buttons for background colour and text colour become drop-down menu items at the right side of the tool bar. 3. Select background

Re: [discuss] OpenOffice Writer: Latin text rendered in Asian font

2006-05-20 Thread Lotus Studio
Thanks. But what you typed as ?? should actually be two spaces in a row. CPHennessy 提到: On Fri May 12 2006 10:22, + [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: OpenOffice Writer 2.0, Traditional Chinese. If the default font for Asian is MingLiU and the default font for Latin is Courier New, then: If you

[discuss] OpenOffice Writer: default text colour selector

2006-05-18 Thread lotus
In OpenOffice Writer 2.0 Traditional Chinese, the text colour selector is defaulted at dark red. -- 網頁‧信箱‧設計‧金流 一站購足

[discuss] OpenOffice Writer: Latin text rendered in Asian font

2006-05-12 Thread lotus
OpenOffice Writer 2.0, Traditional Chinese. If the default font for Asian is MingLiU and the default font for Latin is Courier New, then: If you type on a line aaa�� bbb, then all are in Courier New. But if you type �� aaa, the beginning spaces becomes rendered in MingLiU. Thanks.

[discuss] OpenOffice Writer: lines in a table cell

2006-05-11 Thread lotus
Version 2.0, Traditional Chinese Sometimes lines which are evenly spaced in Microsoft Word do not look evenly spaced in OpenOffice Writer. There is more space after the first line. Sometimes for a bulletted numbered list in Microsoft Word, there appear blank items when viewed under

[discuss] OpenOffice Impress: autoplayback and keyboard manoeuvering

2006-04-21 Thread lotus
OpenOffice 2.0, Traditional Chinese. 1. Autoplayback. It cannot recognise a Microsoft .PPS file as auto-playback. It just imports it, waiting for the user to press play. It is relatively acceptable. 2. Keyboard manoeuvering. If you are playing a file, Microsoft Powerpoint's down arrow

[discuss] OpenOffice Writer: bulletted list

2006-03-09 Thread lotus
OpenOffice 2.0 Writer, Traditional Chinese, on Microsoft Windows XP 1. If you use MS Word to define a list of bulletted list, numbered in Chinese characters, then it will be opened in OpenOffice Writer as Hindu-Arabic numerals. 2. If you record the history of editing, then deleted

[discuss] OpenOffice Writer: inserting a row into a table

2006-03-07 Thread lotus
Netters, Microsoft Windows XP + OpenOffice 2.0 Traditional Chinese If you have a table whose outer frames is not the same as the internal row and column separation lines, then if you go to bottom row and do insert row (either before or after), then you cannot keep the internal

[discuss] OpenOffice Impress 2.0: does not display text height correctly while editing

2006-02-23 Thread lotus
Natale, Open OpenOffice Impress 2.0 Traditional Chinese. Define a piece of text almost filling the whole screen's size. Type Arial or Lucida Console, points sizes anything from 14 to 28. Type many lines to almost fill the whole text area. Click outside the text area, then you can see the

[discuss] OpenOffice Impress: Windows Help file (Chinese-traditional)

2006-02-14 Thread lotus
Naklas and person-in-charge, 1. The Chinese translation of the Contents tab should not be nei4rong2, which is the direct translation of contents. It should be mu4lu4, which is the correct translation of Table of Contents. 2. When you click open Help from Impress (it should happen in any

[discuss] OpenOffice Calc: unable to open embedded document

2006-02-09 Thread lotus
OpenOffice Calc 2.0, traditional Chinese version. If you embed a Microsoft Word document inside a Micosoft Excel document, and the embedded document can be opened in Microsoft Office 2000, then the embedded document cannot be opened in OpenOffice Calc 2.0. It will say something like:

[discuss] OpenOffice Writer: line-break condition error in Asian text (Chinese traditional)

2006-01-04 Thread lotus
line-break condition error in Asian text (Chinese traditional) Open Writer 2.0 for Chinese (Traditional) and type in the following text: aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa ABC、ABC、ABC、ABC、ABC、ABC、ABC、ABC、ABC、ABC、ABC、ABC、 Explanation: 1. a sequence of a-a-a-space, followed by; 2. a