General note: giving meaningful subjects to email posted to public
lists greatly increases the number of people who will actually read
it. "Hi, I need you to fix..." is useless, I opened this message by
mistake, many other subscribers probably ignored it. Which is bad,
because the problem is real and the first advice it got is bad.


On Fri, Sep 01, 2006 at 08:42:31AM -0400, Jan . wrote:
> Please take this page off of your site ....  it shows my Ip address.

As far as I understand, Jan can only be complaining about the fact
that the "raw display" of his message shows an X-originating-IP
header. If this is not the case, please tell me. If it is...

On Sat, Sep 02, 2006 15:01:08 PM +1000, Terry

> That's of concern to me as well. On the quiet, what you need to do is 
> subscribe twice, using two different addresses.
> The second (which could be registered to the digest list) is used for 
> replies. Anything sent to that address is diverted by a filter which 
> you set up on your email server to some folder other than your inbox.

Only applicable to webmail or IMAP. With POP3 everything is
downloaded, then sorted.

> Because it does not go into the inbox, your email client does not
> import it to your computer.

apart from the fact that this is true only with IMAP, and that even in
IMAP anything you read is "imported" to use your term, no matter which
folder it was in....

What does this have to do with the privacy concern? This is about what
you _write_, not what you _read_ and how. What Jan really discovered
is that when he _posts_ anything, he also broadcasts his IP address.

Having two or two thousands email addresses wouldn't change anything,
as long as he uses his computer to send email. Or not??

A bit of research:,13344299

shows that the X-Originating-IP is added by his EMAIL PROVIDER
whenever he posts ANYTHING AT ALL TO ANYBODY. Why some providers do it
and others don't is left as an exercise for the reader :-).

In any case, it has NOTHING to do with OpenOffice, _reading_ email or
replies. I have checked one of my messages in the same archive, and I
see no equivalent information:

Of course, I too agree that information like that should not be
published on the Internet.

On the same note, has anybody noticed that Jan's message also
contained a "X-No-Archive: yes" header which was merrily ignored by
the archiver? This second thing doesn't bother me personally, but
other folks may want to rethink the utility of some of their


Marco Fioretti                    mfioretti, at the server
Fedora Core 5 for low memory

Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient
means for going backwards.                    Aldous Huxley

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