I've just signed up for OpenOffice and this newsgroup, and if I've
understood the instructions properly I'm supposed to start by introducing
myself. So, here we go . . .

My interest in open source generally and OpenOffice in particular is in the
context of a moral economy, which, I believe, is essential for achieving
sustainability on our finite and vulnerable planet, Spaceship Earth, before
a ruthless mother nature does it for us. If we bugger the planet (which we
are well on the way to doing) all our hopes and dreams for the future
(whatever they are) will have been in vain. My homepage at
www.spaceship-earth.org is much concerned with understanding the reasons for
the fundamental non-sustainability of our existing socio-economic order -
which, I am very hopeful, the humane "spirit of open source " will be an
antidote for.

I've just read through the Marketing Project's Strategic Marketing Plan 2010
, which I found to be very much in the mould of conventional economic
philosophy.  That presumably makes good sense for the existing,
non-sustainable economic order, but not for the alternative, moral economy
that I have in mind to replace it, and for which I would like to produce an
alternative product development and marketing strategy. We also need to work
out ways of financing and rewarding (fairly and proportionately) at least
some of the work and commitment that projects such as this are crying out

There seems to be a lot of confusion (or perhaps simply different ideas)
about what the "spirit of open source " actually is. It is often referred to
as "free" software, which to me seems to take us from one extreme to anther:
while some are able to make millions (or even billions) from software,
others aren't supposed to make a penny. A moral economy, as I understand it,
is about fair and proportionate rewards for what one contributes to society
(and if OpenOffice is not a valuable contribution to society, I don't know
what is!) It is also, of course, about creating an alternative, just, humane
and above all sustainable socio-economic order capable of replacing the
unsustainable one we have at present, before it is too late.

In hopeful anticipation of your responses,

RAH (Roger A Hicks)

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