Anthony Fielding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

>  I then
> decided to write my own note taking application, but have since gave
> up realising that nothing i could write could ever meet the power of
> one note. One note was the one single reason I installed windows in
> the first instance.

I'm using Onenote quite a lot myself at the moment, for two things. The 
most powerful is the way that annotations are automatically attached to 
the right place in audio recordings, so that I can jump instantly from my 
notes of an interview to the exact quote. I think it migh tbe possible to 
do something like that using OOo as a starting point. 

This would involve extending the capabilities of the Navigator if it were 
done throgouhly, but you could get a long way with macros anyway.

There is, or was, a media player built in to OOo; even if it has fallen 
out of the 2.0 builds, there are plenty of python modules that will play 
sound files and can be built into OOo components. What's needed is a new 
bookmark type which would contain informaiton about where it is in an 
audio file as well as where it is in the page. This is the sort of thing 
that I suppose XML ought to make possible. 

Similarly, but much more easily, you could build "Note flags" into OOo, 
using characters styles. all one needs is a mapping between characters 
styles and categories of meaning -- everything Green and bold is a to-do, 
for example -- and then collecting all examples of that particular styl 
and being able to jump between them. 

The other nice thing about onenote -- the free-form, and infinitely 
extensible page that you write on -- is harder to imitate but may be less 

But certainly onenote is a genuinely innovative product, and one of the 
nicest things that Microsoft has ever made. 

Andrew Brown
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