Dear Sir or Madame:

          I  wish to make font substitutions in exported EPS
     figures, using the "psfrag" package of the LaTeX  docu-
     ment preparation system.

          I  am  not  sure of the correct technical language
     for this next part.  I hope  that  I  can  make  myself
     clear.   In  older  versions  of oodraw, the EPS export
     process included a check box that toggled between  ren-
     dering  letters as curves or including the single char-
     acter representation of each  letter.   In  the  latter
     case,  for example, it was possible to open an EPS file
     and search for the actual text strings that appeared in
     the  exported  figure.   In  the former case, I believe
     that oodraw exports the  point-to-point  pen  movements
     that are required to render each letter.

          I  have searched the oodraw documentation and have
     found no setting that allows for export of actual  text
     characters  to  an EPS figure (the first of the options
     described above).  I would like very  much  to  recover
     this  capability.   I  could  then use "psfrag" to scan
     through EPS files and substitute Computer Modern fonts,
     from  LaTeX.   Many  journals prefer figures that allow
     font substitution.

          I found an article that explained how  to  fix  my
     problem  on a Microsoft Windows machine (shudder) but I
     am working in a Linux environment.


     [:-)] Mark

     Mark Zajac

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