Fedora core was recently released with a trimmed down list of packages
(it already takes up 4 CDs) that are best of breed.

OO.o 2 displaces Koffice, Abiword, and Gnumeric which move to the very
Fedora extras collection.

While this a credit to the suite, I'm wondering if it good for diversity

Is it likely that distros will come to depend on OO.o code in the way
they do with Gimp code

That is will OO.o become a "system component" for example by
documents or integrating with document management and corporate DRM in
the way that
MS Office does ?

I certainly hope so because that would mean OO was moving to support
high end and larger
corporate users which would be good for funding and support.

IBM please return the code you borrowed !

Justin Fitzgibbon

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