Greetings everyone,

I'm happy to announce this Saturday's IRC talk:

   Title:   Jump in, the water is perfect.
            Enabling large migrations.
   Speaker: Alexandro Colorado
   Date:    Saturday, April 02
   Time:    12:00 UTC


Alexandro is the co-lead of the Spanish NL project. In this talk he will 
the experience of Novell's massive migration to Then he'll 
a series of tips and techniques that can make a large migration to OOo an 
astounding success.

This will be a great talk. I've seen the slides (which, btw, are up on the 
right now). It looks very intersting. It should appeal to anyone interested in 
adoption of OOo in large groups. The concepts not specific to companies of 

IRC Instructions:
To debout this week, we have a nice set of IRC instructions:

If you are new at IRC, try it out. It is a great way to discuss ideas. If you 
help, let me know. I'll try to help you get setup.

About the IRC confs:
The IRC talks are held bi-weekly. These are informal talks, around 20min each.
They are followed by a Question & Answer period, and then group discussion.

The purpose of these talks is to encourage different language communities to 
exchange ideas. It also provides an opportunity for people who do not normally 
meet each other, to meet in a friendly environment.

You can see the logs for last week's talk on the IRC conf web page:

Daniel Carrera          | I don't want it perfect,
Join OOoAuthors today!  | I want it Tuesday.   | 

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