The article recently published in Australian media and picked up by
others and rerun in other languages is a direct result of my talk on
developing OOo.  The comments were obviously cherry picked from the
whole content for maximum media effect.

I have no inside running on true numbers,  I did comment that I was
impressed by the ability of Sun to provide most of the features with so
few developers.  Whether it be 50 or 100 is probably not relevant, think
how many programmers the competitor has and then consider how rich OOo
really is.  Certainly there are very few programmers working on OOo that
are not paid by someone this includes RH, Novell, Sun, ... The point I
was making was the huge commitment when you cannot work an 8 hour day on
the code, how do you learn and follow it.  I made the important point
that developers should work out what they want to do and focus on a
specific feature or tool and do it well, it is literally impossible to
'understand OOo code', I doubt anyone would claim that. There are many
experts on pieces and some excellent generalists but none know it all.

Why do we not attract and keep these programmers?  Those that know will
realise I push the ability to build OOo from EVERY download.  I
personally think that this is not important enough to some, not all,
people within Sun.  This includes breaks that break because of changes
in the developers machine, like the recent xslt problem,  I think it is
a P1 but to others it only effects a few programmers.  This is
philosophical these are my opinions, I wish there was a clear indication
of consensus from those directly involved in OOo.

I recommend that new developers start at the site
using the build utility that they have.  The reason is that on the whole
it 'just works' which a new developer starting a build using the Sun
supported process it is confusing as hell where to build from and what
the real status of anything is.  I think that patch acceptance and build
handling would benefit greatly from a distributed Source Control
Management with the centre being Sun supported, with Ximian supported,
and even my own version that all inter-operating and patches flow more
easily because of advances in SCM technology.  Distributed SCM will reduce
the merge hell that we currently go through.  I do not suggest
doing this immediately because the SCM space is very confused right now
due to the Bit Keeper problem.

Calling office suites uninteresting is REALLY missing the point.  Just
about every presentation in the LCA was done in OOo, this is an app that
many people use.  Every programmer I have talked to considers OOo a
killer application for the desktop.  This is an interesting project.  It is a
complex and we must work on that complexity.

What I did get from developers was that licensing with LGPL was actually a 
The ability to remove code and use it in a commercial application was a real 
to some people.   Licensing is an issue and I know that it has been discussed at
length previously.

I hope that this clears things up a little.

Ken Foskey developer

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