Hi Lars,

> So, we need the wrapper classes for the Restlet / Noelios engine? If 
> they are needed for the latter, why don't we remove them from 
> org.restlet and put them into the noelios.impl package? 

I indeed have a need for those wrappers in the NRE and I thought it would
also benefit to developers.


> I wonder if we need the 'decoratable' behaviour in the mentioned 
> classes. If we don't like to have a few more classes (the Wrapper* 
> classes), we should remove the 'decoratable' feature from the 
> Resource, Restlet, Request... . While I am using the 
> decorated classes 
> a lot in my Restlet projects, I think that modern IDEs like Eclipse 
> provide enough support to write a class that delegates methods 
> calls to a 'wrapped' class. 
> IMO this approach is much cleaner than the "getWrapped*" calls in 
> every method. 

Your remarks make sense... Let's simplify things as you proposed: removing
the wrapper constructors and using hidden wrappers for the implementation
where necessary.


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