On Wed, May 17, 2006 at 04:33:05PM -0700, Matt Ettus wrote:
SDR Forum is running a competition for university teams in software
radio. There are monetary prizes, and it looks like you get Matlab and
Simulink for free.
In other words, they think software radio is great
gr-usrp/src/usrp1_source_base.cc:106: fputs ("uO", stderr);
This is generated by the USB, via a USRP source, when incoming data
can't be read fast enough and thus there is an overflow.
On Wednesday, May 17, 2006, at 09:02 PM, Vincenzo Pellegrini wrote:
sorry...can anyone tell me what is
--- Begin Message ---
u = usrp
a = audio
U = Underrun
O = Overrun
uU = USRP underrun -- Your TX application isn't sending data to the USRP
fast enough
uO = USRP overrun -- You RX application isn't receiving data from the
USRP fast enough
aO = audio o
sorry...can anyone tell me what is the specific meaning of the code
that often appears in terminal when gr applications do not behave
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
On Wed, May 17, 2006 at 04:33:05PM -0700, Matt Ettus wrote:
> SDR Forum is running a competition for university teams in software
> radio. There are monetary prizes, and it looks like you get Matlab and
> Simulink for free.
In other words, they think software radio is great, as long as
you are
SDR Forum is running a competition for university teams in software
radio. There are monetary prizes, and it looks like you get Matlab and
Simulink for free. Registration is due by the end of May.
The python code i'm currently using for my transmitter passes data to the usrp by placing it in a vector source, then runing that source thru a multiplier (for gain purposes) and then finally sincs the vector to the usrp (the python then sleeps to allow the transmission to finish before proceeding)
Apologies if this is no longer supported - Does anybody remember
how to connected an upstream port 0 to a downstream port 1 in
gr0.9 ?
Trying to split up gr-atsc0.9, and want to connect a file source
to equalizer port 0, and another file source to equalizer port 1.
But from gr_FlowGraph.h, all w
They also conveniently forget to deal with all the bane of all wideband
SDRs -- interfering signals in one band will, at best, decrease sensitivity
in other bands. 80dB SNDR is nowhere near enough to simultaneously
receive, say, GPS data and process CDMA phone calls without something like
a diplex
On Wed, 2006-05-17 at 15:52 -0400, Charles Swiger wrote:
> just collect data with decim = 10, then interp by 3 (6.4Msps to
> 19.2Msps), then upshift. The 0.9 code need two changes, one to
Some more fat can be squeezed out of the pipeline if the 'upshift
to 5.75MHz' and FPLL could be combined. B
This works a bit more effeciently in matching a usrp to the atsc code
(either all 0.9, or part 0.9 and part 2.x):
Instead of: collect data with usrp decim = 8, then interp by 5 (8Msps
to 40) then decim by 2 (40Msps to 20) while upshifting to 5.75MHz -
just collect data with decim = 10, then inter
11 matches
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