Maybe I'm just confused, then. You weren't clear about the problem you're
experiencing, or what you've tried to resolve it. It sounded in your
initial email like you just don't know how to build a CMake project (using
"g++", for instance, is not how that works). Further leading me to think
this was
gr-osmosdr is still a useful block today. Please read this email and
think about becoming the maintainer.
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
Hello Nick,
As I have mentioned in my previous email, I know how to use CMake as I have
already made a lot of OOTs before. Please understand that I'm not trying to
build an OOT. In the program, a top_block_sptr object (think of it as a C++
based flowgraph) object is initialized with signal generato
Within the "out of tree module" link I sent is basic information on how to
compile an application using CMake.
On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 12:05 PM Moses Browne Mwakyanjala
> Hello Nick,
> Thanks for your email.
> I have create
Hello Nick,
Thanks for your email.
I have created the OOTs already. What I'm trying to do it to integrate my
OOTs in a QT C++ application (something akin to Gqrx).
You could see what I'm trying to do from the example source code I
On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 8:56 PM Nick Fost
I think you should read up on creating out-of-tree GNURadio modules:
On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 11:44 AM Moses Browne Mwakyanjala
> Hello all,
> I'm trying to implement an easy-to-use QT-based receiver in GNU Radio. As
> a starting p
Hello all,
I'm trying to implement an easy-to-use QT-based receiver in GNU Radio. As a
starting point, I would like to compile a C++ example (attached) under
/gnuradio/gr-qtgui/examples/c++ . This example program generates a noisy
sine wave and displays on some qt gui qwidgets. I was able to compil
Hi Ali,
I am trying to get an idea of what you really want to accomplish. If it
is simply to get text input to your flowgraph, there are several
choices, but all of them that I have found buffer a line at a time
(ending with return / enter). I have had similar issues. Here are two
I just tried a very simple example:
file source(in ) -> File sink (/dev/stdout )
As long as I feed a few characters to the fifo, nothing happens on the
flowgraph side.
Finishing the cat command by ctrl-d or ctrl-c leads to
attachthread[thread-per-block[0]: ]: fread error
But if I write a