Error in RFNOC blocks in CPP ?? Cannot create! Property already exists at: /blocks/0/DUC#0/noc_id

2022-01-23 Thread sp h
when I want to convert a GRC python code to CPP code I am faced with NOC graph error? any idea for solving the problem...? I too attached python code... [ERROR] [RFNOC::GRAPH] Caught exception while initializing graph: RuntimeError: Cannot create! Property already exists at: /blocks/0/DUC#0/noc_i

Trouble with OOT modules on Windows with Conda

2022-01-23 Thread Florian Euchner
Hello everyone, I am having trouble compiling OOT modules on Windows (Windows 10, Visual Studio 2017 14.16.27023). As far as I can tell, my problems affect any OOT module, so I will just use gr-correctiq [1] as an example. I am inside a Conda environment as detailed in the CondaInstall guide [

Re: Re: GNU Radio Python basic block - issues with forecast and produce

2022-01-23 Thread Patric Müller
Hello everyone and hello Johannes, first of all, a huge thanks for the quick and detailed response, it is really helpful. After implementing your suggested changes and additional tinkering, I am still facing two issues: The `forecast` method expects estimates. The scheduler will call `genera