I want to receive GPS L1 signal.and want to analyze location data in PC
Now I use following GPS antena USRPN200 and DBSRX2. however, GPS
signal's amplitude is very small. Ican't see gps signal in FFT
I'm worried about on USRP receive data How do the FFT in MATLAB?
I am tty to develop software GPS receiver. My develop plan is
GPS satellite → GPSanntena → LNA → DBSRX2 → USRP N200 → PC(in MATLAB
C/A code decode and location data Analysis )
I have a one problem that I want to do FFT usin
Hi, All
I have very trouble
My experiment enviroment isUBUNTU 11.04 , USRP N200, DBSRX2 ,active
antenna and gnuradio
I am worrying about good software GPS receiver is not exist .
I want to receive L1 signal , and want to demodulate that signal
However GPS signal is used Spread spectrum modulation