
I was looking at the FIR algorithm in pm_remez.cc and saw it is based on the 
old Janovetz implementation of Parks-McClellan. The author of one of my DSP 
books, Andreas Antoniou, makes the statement that he improved on the original 
Parsk-McClellan algorithm. I found another paper online where the author makes 
a similar statement.

I have no idea how accurate those statements are, but I am going to experiment 
with those algorithms. I'll make those initial experiments outside GNU Radio 
and if something good ever comes out of it, I would like to modify pm_remez.cc 
with the new algos, even if only for my personal use.

I'm getting to my issues, which I guess are really basic, but I'm new to 

I created the .cbp file and opened the project in Code::Blocks. I was trying to 
trace the entire path from gr_filter_design to pm_remez.cc and wasn't getting 

When I look under the folder gr-filter, I see only two subfolders, lib and 
python. Eventually I looked in Github and there I could see several more 
subfolders under gr-filter, which I don't have in CB. (I couldn't be more 
grateful for the ability to search definitions and references in Github. I was 
able to trace the entire path in a few minutes)

My questions in order of importance are:

Why don't those folders display in CB?
Is it possible to Run the entire project in CB? It builds fine, but it just 
doesn't run.


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